
- "The Cream Producer"
- Better Stock for better Cream Cheques. The Cream Producer was first published in about 1930 by Burns and Company of Calgary, Alberta for its shippers in Western Canada. It was the predecessor of the Cream Collector magazine published by the Shuswap Okanagan Dairy Industry Co-operative Association and the NOCA Pictorial.

- "NOCA Pictorial"
- Published Quarterly by NOCA Dairy of Shuswap-Okanagan Dairy Industries Co-operative Association between 1967 and 1981. Its purpose was to bring news, information, pictures and articles of interest about the Dairy Industry to Shuswap and Okanagan dairy farmers, industry employees and anyone interested in the dairy industry.

- "The Cream Collector’s Duty"
- The conviction that Dairying in the Okanagan, is on the eve of an era of greater prosperity as the year 1926 closes has become general. With each Cream Cheque will go a copy of ‘The Cream Collector’ magazine which will be printed with a view to informing and educating the dairy farmers of the Okanagan Valley Co-operative Creamery Association.

- "Fraser Valley Milk Break"
- Fraser Valley Milk Break was published bi-monthly from 1962 to 1992 for the employees of the Fraser Valley Milk Producers’ Association. The FV Milk Break documents the BC dairy industry from the employee perspective. Articles include dairy history, employee profiles, product development, nutrition and other information that was of interest to dairy workers and their families.

- "Milk Stories”
- A history of the dairy industry in British Columbia, 1827-2000 - Milk Stories is the realization of a dream that began a number of years ago. As early as 1977, Everett Crowley, then president of the BC Dairy Council, accepted a motion that he write a history of the BC dairy industry.

- "The Story of Avalon Dairy Ltd.”
- In 1778, when Captain James Cook was exploring the Pacific Northwest, he landed at Nootka Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island to repair his ships. There is a record that he had cows with him that he had purchased in California . We presume that when he left Nootka, he left the cows behind.

- "Peter van Reeuwyk - Northern Vancouver Island Milk Distribution 1953 to 1993”
- Bram van Reeuwyk recalls, with words and pictures, the story of his family's Milk Distribution business from their arrival from the Netherland's in 1953. Northern Vancouver Island was experiencing significant growth at the time and the family made a significant contribution to the community.

- "50 Years of Butter-Fat”
- The Butter-Fat Magazine was the official publication of the Fraser Valley Milk Producers' Association and served the BC dairy industry for 71 years. By 1973, the Butter-Fat Magazine had recorded 50 years of continuous publications. The Butter-Fat continued to be published until 1993. All issues are available for viewing and searching under the 'Butter-Fat' tab on this website.

- "The Story of Dairyland - 1950”
- Twelve gifted people-editors and columnists, radio commentator, dietician, and photographic artist-have combined their talents to tell a story. It is the story of the people of Dairyland, who are responsible for bringing to you and your family the vital food we call Milk.

- "The History of S.O.D.I.C.A.”
- In a home in the North Okanagan area, a framed certificate hangs on the wall; this states that this particular piece of paper is the No. 2 Capital Share Certificate issued on January 18th, 1926, by the newly formed Okanagan Valley Creamery Association. The story of S.O.D.I.C.A. begins here.

- A summary of 462 issues of the Butter-Fat magazine from 1923 to 1963. For pioneer Fraser Valley farm families, the “Butter-Fat” was a treasured chronicle of their accomplishments, a compendium of their setbacks and successes.

- A brochure summarizing the working papers of forty years of activity presented in pictorial form, vividly portraying what can be done by cooperative effort. It is evidence of the worth of FVMPA to the economic and social well-being of the dairymen concerned and the economy of British Columbia.

- A chronicle of the first 50 years of the operation of the FVMPA. FVMPA was born out of the desperate need for protection from the distributor-controlled milk market in Vancouver. This is a tribute to the dairymen and other pioneers.